Palladone Voluntarily Pulled
13/07/05 15:40
Purdue has now voluntarily pulled Palladone from the market due to an unknown interaction with alcohol. This is like watching a plane crash onto an auto wreck. Where is this stuff originating? What else can go wrong for my friends at Purdue?
Purdue Cuts Today
22/06/05 16:27
It's been Bloody! At least half are gone or on 90 days to gone. It's been an emotional ride. I was on IM with some survivors, some short timers and a lot of Ex-employees.
Purdue Is Falling
21/06/05 15:23
The news is slowly coming in about the Purdue staff reduction. Some close friends are getting hit already. This will not be pretty!
I am trying to keep in touch. I am also encouraging everyone to get LinkedIn so we can stay in touch and maybe get these folks some jobs!
I am trying to keep in touch. I am also encouraging everyone to get LinkedIn so we can stay in touch and maybe get these folks some jobs!
Purdue Offsite
21/05/05 14:27
No budget for an expensive, offsite, team building session? Come to Cedar Rock
Photos: Purdue Offsite