The Wedding Album

My sister got married again. She married Mike. Mike has great taste in music and passion for collecting songs and band information. He doesn't have music bLog like Pete, but he could not resist the publication opportunity provided by a wedding with lots of guests. He compiled some songs relating to the event, love and the modern definitions of it. He then burned a disc for each guest.

Mike also has an odd sense of humor so most of the songs has a double meaning. Either to him or someone in the families. I ripped them all in to iTunes and started the search for humor and meaning in each track.

Mike gets along famously with my niece Caily. There were even jokes in the toast about being the same mental age. So the first featured track from "The Dugan Wedding Album” is a short little tune form the Bouncing Souls called, "I Like Your Mom"

Website: Bouncing Souls